46 new Corona positive in 24 hours in Moradabad

(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist), Moradabad; The number of corona infections is now moving toward the record. Moradabad, on Sunday, received the highest number of 46 positives in a single day. This increasing number is frightening. The administration is also worried about the highest number of corona positive in a single day.

All previous records of Corona-infected patients were broken in Moradabad on Sunday. About four days ago, the maximum number of 40 infected cases were found in a single day. But with the arrival of 46 new positive patients on Sunday, the administration and health department have been stressed. Among the infected, three employees including two railway section controllers, Sambhal resident LIC branch manager, and all members of several families have come infected. The number of infected in the district has increased to 747 with 46 new patients.


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