(Priyanka Gupta,Intern Journalist)New Delhi: During the Corona Virus epidemic, awareness of health in people has increased. Earlier people were not so vigilant about health, but now people are paying special attention to their health. Especially to keep the immune system strong, all the tactics are being adopted. According to experts, people whose immune system is strong, they are less prone to corona virus infection. While people with weak immunity are at highest risk of corona virus. If you also want to keep your immune system strong, then you can adopt these 5 measures. Let’s know-
If you cannot do workouts, then you can resort to yoga. For this you can do Balasana, Setubandhasana, Dhanurasana and Shalabhasana. These yoga asanas will relax your muscles while blood will circulate throughout the body.
Oil pulling
The Ministry of AYUSH has recommended oil pulling to strengthen the immune system. It is an Ayurvedic method. By doing this, the mouth remains bacteria-free. It is done on an empty stomach in the morning. For this, pure coconut oil is to be rinsed in the mouth for 4-6 minutes. You can do oil pulling to strengthen the immune system.
Keep body hydrated
We all know that to be healthy, it is very important to keep our body hydrated. For this, after getting up in the morning every day, drink two glasses of water. You can also consume it by adding lemon, honey, turmeric. It proves to be more beneficial than drinking normal water.
Daily exercise
With half an hour exercise daily, you can stay away from many diseases. While this also strengthens the immune system. For this, you can start with normal exercise walking, jogging, cycling. You can also do skipping if you want.
Must have breakfast
According to the expert, breakfast in the morning is the most important meal of the day. So, never skip breakfast in the morning, but eat breakfast rich in protein, vitamins, carbs and fiber. Also, add fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables to your breakfast.
Disclaimer: Story tips and suggestions are for general information. Do not take these as the advice of any doctor or medical professional. In the case of symptoms of illness or infection, consult a doctor.
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