Admit Card for Assistant Sub Inspector Written Examination issued on

(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) New Delhi: Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has issued the admit card for the Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer) Written Examination. Candidates who applied for the SSB Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer) Recruitment Examination, 2018, can download their admit card by visiting the official website,
For this, candidates have to use their registration ID and password.

To download the SSB Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer) Written Exam Admit Card, candidates should first visit the official website, In the latest updates available on the homepage, click on the download admit card for the written exam for the post of ASI (Steno) link. Now you will be brought to a new page. Log in here by entering your registration ID, password, and captcha. Now, your admit card will be on the screen. Check the details given in the admit card. Download it for further use and remove the hard copy and keep it safe. Explain that the guidelines related to the examination will also be given in the admit card, which the candidates should read properly.

SSB Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer) Written Examination is to be conducted on 6 December 2020. There will be two papers in the written examination. Paper 1 will consist of objective type multiple choice questions (MCQ). 100 questions will be asked for a total of 100 marks. At the same time, paper 2 will include descriptive questions. Paper 2 exam will also be for a total of 100 marks. Candidates who qualify in Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be called for Skill Test. It is worth mentioning that under this recruitment, 54 vacant posts of ASI (Stenographer) are to be filled in Sashastra Seema Bal, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. The final selected candidates will get a salary of Rs 29,200 per month.


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