(Juhi Aishwarya Intern Journalist)
New Delhi. After the lockdown, when things are normal, many things will change. Air travel will also be included in this. Companies providing air travel opportunities and facilities are also concerned about this.

They are making plans that after the lockdown are over, when passengers in the airplane will book the tickets, then what kind of seats will be given to them to travel. Some of the airlines of the aircraft used to fill the passengers completely, they also used to travel long distances, during long distance travel, these aircraft stayed on the ground for a few minutes, then flew with the passengers again. .
Now the biggest question is arising that even after the end of the lockdown, the way social distancing and safety are being talked about, how will these airlines be able to follow them. The biggest question is about the social distancing inside the ship.
It is being said that the airline companies have to follow social distancing or they will book the ticket for the second seat after leaving one seat in the ship, So that this distance can remain. Now it has to be seen how the views are seen inside them after lockdown. Tickets will be booked leaving seats or any other arrangement will be implemented. The DWA website has carried similar news.
Budget airlines
Budget airlines, which allow more people around the world the opportunity and convenience of air travel, are particularly concerned about the circumstances following the lockdown of the Corona epidemic. These were full-fledged airlines that stayed on the ground for barely a few minutes and then flew into the air carrying a plane full of passengers.
The German airline lobby BDL has suggested in its concept paper that it may be mandatory for everyone on the aircraft to wear a mask covering their nose and mouth. Lufthanja has also made it necessary. Airline like JetBlue of Canada and US has also made it mandatory.
Those making aircraft seats are offering new options. The “Glass Safe design” of Italy’s ‘AvioIntirers’ will have a Plexiglas hood made from shoulders to head. This will keep the people sitting nearby apart from each other during the flight.
Cargo Cabin Design
The Asian company Hyco proposes to place a cargo box instead of a row of seats in the cabin itself. No airline has ordered such cabin seats so far. There is a demand for more cargo from passenger seats at this time.
Middle seats will be seen empty
At the moment it has not been decided whether leaving the middle row seats empty will reduce the risk of infection, yet the Lufthanza Group, which runs Eurowings, is not currently offering an option to book them. Another budget airline ‘Easyjet’ is also promising passengers to keep empty seats next to them.
Passengers may have to arrive at the airport at least four hours before the international flight. People may have to go through a disinfectant tunnel and thermal scanner even before reaching the check in area. In this regard, a newly formed Transport Health Authority is working with airports around the world and the World Health Organization to set new standards.
Cabin crew members will be in protective clothing. Passengers will also wear gloves and masks and the crew will distribute hand sanitizers every half an hour. Packets of packaged and sealed food will be available in business and first class. Staff will take care of toilet cleanliness even during the flight.
Whenever such commercial planes start flying, they will have to stay on land for a long time between flights. Thorough cleaning and sanitizing of the aircraft will be mandatory during this long ‘break’ between flights. However, there has been no reported case of virus infection in an aircraft during the Covid crisis.
Slow boarding process
Apart from this, to ensure social distancing among passengers at the airport, they will have to stay far away and the boarding process will be completed very slowly. Due to this also, it will take more time for the planes to get ready for the second flight.
Baggage is also concerned
It is possible that apart from passengers, their check-in and cabin bags will also be disinfected with ultraviolet rays. After landing, passengers will have to go through a thermal scanner once again, the immunity passport will be re-validated and the bags will be sanitized once more before placing them on the conveyor belt.
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