appointment letter to 3209 tubewell drivers

Aatmja Kumari(Intern Journalist): Lucknow: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has given a big relief to the farmers. Now farmers will not have to face problems for irrigation. Farmers will get the most benefit from the appointment of tubewell drivers. On December 9, the Chief Minister will hand over appointment letters to 3209 tube well drivers of the irrigation department. Giving importance to women empowerment, 516 women candidates have also been appointed out of these 3209 tube well drivers.

CM Yogi had directed the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) to make recruitment completely transparent and fair for recruitment to vacant posts in view of problems faced by irrigation due to shortage of tubewell drivers. After this, the commission had declared the result, completing the recruitment process.

The commission selected 3209 tube well drivers and sent the list to the irrigation department. The department has allocated 3209 tube well drivers according to their qualification number according to the optional district choices.

The placement and operation of tubewell drivers will make the operation and maintenance of tubewells easier. This will provide water for irrigation to the farmers smoothly. Any type of mining in tubewells can be repaired in time. Farmers will not have to worry unnecessarily about this.


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