(Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist) Vijayawada: Most people in the world use headphones for hours. Listening to songs and watching movies for hours and hours, regardless of whether they are clean or not, will be deafening in the ears. But after watching this video, maybe you will be careful before using headphones? Oli, from Perth, Australia, was wearing a headset as usual and seemed to have something gleaming in his ear. Seeing that, it was a spider. And it took a long time to get it out. He turned and pulled the spider out. The video went viral on social media.
And if one of you simply comments on whether you can buy a new one instead of the old one, it’s too scary to watch. Another user asks if you’ve burned that headset yet. Others, however, argue that the spider is not as dangerous. A museum administrator in Australia has said the same thing. Spiders with large hairs on the body have been shown to cause no harm, but some have a venomous nature. He said there was a possibility of some side effects even if they were bitten. Experts say it is better to be cautious before the whole thing happens.
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