(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist); A senior army officer seeking permission to use Facebook was reprimanded by the Delhi High Court. The court said that if you like Facebook so much, then give a resign from the job. The officer argued in the court that once he lost the data, he would lose all his friends’ contacts.
The officer appealed against the ban of 89 apps, including social media platforms, in the army. The next hearing, in this case, will be held on July 21 and the bench has asked Additional Solicitor General Chetan Sharma to present the policy documents in a sealed envelope.
Petition was filed by Lt Col PK Chaudhary
A bench of Justice Rajiv Sahayad and Justice Asha Menon on Wednesday heard the appeal of Lieutenant Colonel PK Chaudhary. Chaudhary said in the petition that the court should direct the Director-General of Military Intelligence to withdraw the order for cancellation of account from the social media platforms of the officers and jawans of the Army.
Court said – Please delete your account
The bench told the officer – You decide. The policy is that the use of social media platforms in the army is banned. This decision has been taken keeping in mind the national security, so you have to delete the Facebook account. When it comes to the security of the country, there is no question of giving any interim relief in such a case. please! Delete your account. You bring something new every day. It cannot run this way.
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