Aroused 2500-year-old mummy in Egypt from ‘sleep’

(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Egypt: In the past, earthen graves were found in Sakkara’s cemetery in the southern part of Cairo. The mission, which began two months ago, found the site at 36 feet deep with 13 coffins. And going deeper, more coffins began to be found. Archaeologists were very excited after this, but questions have also arisen about this discovery.

Actually, it was said that the mummy is cursed by opening her and awakening her from ‘sleep’. Fear has also started spreading about it, but more and more questions are being raised on why it was necessary to open the centuries-old coffins. Actually, fear is coming out that due to the death of these people 2500 years ago, the impact of these coffins may not be seen. Questions have also been raised as to why these mummies are not of a Pharaoh or a great figure, why are they being teased only for tourism. 59 coffins were found 10 miles southeast from the Pyramid of Giza, 40 of which were shown to the press. Early research has assumed that most of these coffins must have been priests, officials, and upper classes. After they all died, they were buried according to tradition. It also involved removing brains from iron hooks through their noses.

Aroused 2500-year-old mummy in Egypt


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