Bad breath .. Is it a sign of diabetes?

Bad breath? However, do not assume that it is a dental problem. This problem can also be caused by diabetes or other unhealthy causes. Not being trustworthy? However .. see these details.

(Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist) Vijayawada: Bad breath is common when we eat onions or garlic. However, it is always suspected that bad breath is coming from the mouth. Bad breath is called ‘halitosis’. The odor comes out when there is any problem inherent in the body. Researchers say that this is a sign of diabetes.

Halitosis is thought to be a sign of diabetes, kidney problems, asthma, lung cancer, and cystic fibrosis.

Bad breath? May be Diabetes!

Why does the stench occur ?:

If you have diabetes in the body .. a sweet, fruity smell comes from the breath. When the blood is high in ketones .. this smell comes. This odor is caused by a lack of insulin in the body or the production of adequate insulin in people with diabetes. It should be noted that under such conditions the body does not receive the glucose needed by the cells to function. We spend body fat to do anything.

Fats in cells are depleted when glucose levels are low. This causes ketones to be produced. Bad breath is caused by high levels of ketones in the body.

High levels of ketones can cause harm to the body. These gradually begin to mix with blood and urine. It gradually pushes into a dangerous situation. This is called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). A similar condition is more common in patients with type-1 diabetes. The following symptoms appear when ketones levels increase.

  • Smells sweet or fruity from your breath.
  •  Mostly urinary incontinence
  • Abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting may occur.
  • High blood glucose levels.
  • Shortness of breath (short breathing), confusion.

How to get rid of this stench?

Odor occurs when the level of ketones in the blood is high. It can only be cured by medication. Sometimes dental problems can also cause bad odor problems. In this context, you must take some precautions. Do this to find out if your bad breath is caused by diabetes.

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly daily.
  •  Do not forget to clean the tongue.
  •  Also, keep your body clean.
  •  Practice hygiene. 
  • Find out your blood sugar levels from time to time. 
  • Take a sugar-free mint or sugar-free gums if the odor is high. Be sure to consult a dentist if the odor problem is bothering you.
  • If the odor persists even after taking all the above precautions Be sure to consult a doctor and do all kinds of tests.
  •  Because not only diabetes but also other health conditions can cause bad breath. So be careful.

Note: You may notice that the above items are provided only to make you aware and to alert you of dangerous diseases.

 Physicians provided the above details based on topics related to various researches. More in-depth issues related to body odor are clearly explained in the IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences‌. 

The best way to treat illness is to follow the doctor’s advice. Doctors will accurately assess the defects in your body and prescribe the appropriate medication. Please do not practice your own medicine.


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