Bihar Election 2020: Casteism is a big charge on Bihar’s electoral politics

(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): There is a big charge on the Electoral Politics of Bihar that Casteism is the biggest issue.  This is partly true.  Castes influence elections.  But, this is not the last resort to win the election.  In the last 30 years, casteism has been the most talked-about election day, with results suggesting that issues have often been heavy on casteism.  Of course, a large part of some castes is associated with particular political parties.  Yet they are more numerous, who vote on issues instead of caste.

Particularly in the elections of 1990 and beyond, there has been a lot of racism.  After the implementation of the recommendations of the Mandal Commission, a large population mobilized on the question of reservation.  It cannot be called the mobilization of any caste.  In form, it was given the name of social justice.  The reservation was opposed in the initial days.  The protest united the section of the society, who were getting the benefit of reservation in government services.  The reservation was a big issue of social change.  A wide public was watching his well being there.  These people stood in favor of the political stream that supported reservation.  Naturally, this group also started opposing the opponents of reservation.


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