Britain’s fear of Russia’s ‘Star War’ missile, GPS may stop anywhere

(Aditya Shaw, Intern Journalist): Government officials in Britain fear that Russia may attack Britain from space. Actually, Russia has launched an anti-satellite weapon. Following this, Tobias Ellwood, chairman of the Common Defense Committee, warned that GPS systems could be threatened if Russia were allowed to make weapons in space. The US Army Space Command reported that Russia’s satellite Cosmos 2542, which was traveling in space, has launched a missile attack on July 15 by its own satellite Cosmos 2543.
Navigation will come to a halt-Ellwood has appealed to the government to take steps to prevent such danger. He has expressed concern that communication and navigation systems may be the victims of this attack.

Ellwood told, ‘Every aspect of our lives depends on GPS. Payment Systems, Agriculture, Machinery, Modern Industries, and Defense. Loss in GPS will lead to navigation. There is a concern that this weapon could cause damage to Western satellites.

Steps taken by the government-Ellwood said the government should review security, defense, development, and policy soon. The strategy of national security and foreign policy is to be discussed in this review. On the other hand, Russia’s foreign ministry has tried to put a stop to speculation that the launch should scare the West. Russia has even alleged that the US is campaigning against a peaceful space campaign.


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