Children hanged even killed themselves

(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Barabanki: Troubled by the economic shortage, the couple first hanged their children. After this, both of them hang in different rooms. The incident took place in Housing Development Colony in the Nagar Kotwali area. Police got a suicide note and video from the spot. The resident of Yogendra Singh is in Awas Vikas Colony. Below is the family of Vikas. Upwards are two tenants. In one part, Lalit, a 40-year-old boy Gaur resident, lived in village Parival Jamalpur Police station Ghosi district with his wife 35-year-old Preeti, two sons Prem and Arpit.

In the second, Sunil’s family lives in Bihar province. On Tuesday morning, the milkman made a sound but the door did not open. Hearing the sound, Sunil and Landlord reached and beat the door of the boy’s room. This opened the latched. Lalit’s body was hanging from the fan in the room. After this, they reported the matter to the police. The police arrived at the side too were stunned to see the inside of the house. Lalit’s body was hung in the front room. After that, in the gallery, the children, Prem and Arpit were hanging from the rope in the skylight. Preeti’s body was hanging from the fan inside the room.


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