(Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist)China: The United States has accused Beijing of tolerating Chinese hackers and providing them with a haven instead of bringing them to justice, alleging that the Communist Party has made a deliberate choice to allow cyber-attacks around the world because these actions help the country.
The allegation was made as the US Department of Justice unsealed indictments against five Chinese citizens and two Malaysians involved in a wide-ranging hacking campaign that targeted victims in the US, France, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore, among other territories.
The hackers, who prosecutors said are currently fugitives in China, also compromised government computer networks in India and Vietnam, but failed to breach government systems in Britain.
While the Justice Department did not assert that Beijing was explicitly backing the hackers, it noted that some of the defendants felt they could hack with impunity as long as they did not target domestic Chinese companies, believing their ties to the authorities provided them free rein to hack and steal across the globe.
The Trump administration has brought several cases against Chinese hackers in recent months and has accused Beijing of sponsoring espionage and hacking attempts to steal American intellectual property and undermine national security.
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