China’s digital conspiracy from the map of India

(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist); Is China’s cheap mobile more important than the country’s integrity, integrity, and sovereignty? Is now the time for China’s mobile closure after the app? Could it be a coincidence that the areas where China disputed or asserted its claim are missing from the Weather app on Chinese Mobile? Let us tell you that the cities and areas that China considers disputed are missing from the Weather app of Chinese Mobile.

Whether it is Arunachal or the North-East states, is it a coincidence that when journalists live from Leh on Twitter, they are told live from China? Or is this some kind of digital intrusion attempt? National Security Analyst Nitin Gokhale was live on Twitter from the War Memorial of Leh on Sunday. At that time, his location in Leh was described by Twitter as part of China. On this matter, it was said by Twitter that it was a technical problem that has been rectified.

But the question is whether there can be such a big coincidence that the area which China considers disputed or where there is the almost war-like situation at the moment, it was shown as part of China? There are also constant complaints that such activities are being done from almost every mobile in China. Chinese mobile company Xiaomi has also described it as a technical flaw in the dispute. The company says that this happened due to technical flaws, which has now been fixed.


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