Corona can also affect the central nervous system

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is also becoming a major cause of many other serious problems on the health front. Now a new study has shown that patients’ anxiety (or anxiety) or depressed mood may indicate that the corona is also affecting the central nervous system (central nervous system).

nervous system brain cell
nervous system brain cell

According to an international study led by the US University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, mental symptoms are a much deeper relationship between anxiety and sadness than losing the ability to smell and taste instead of corona symptoms like respiratory problems, coughs, and fever. Has been found

The study has been published in the journal Laryngoscopy and has been concluded based on tests conducted on 114 patients suffering from the corona.

Mental symptoms indicate corona’s attack on the central nervous system
Associate Professor Ahmed Sedaghat associated with this study said, “If a corona-positive patient first asked me why his heart was depressed or anxious, then I would have said that this could happen because the infection is serious. The results of our study suggest that these mental symptoms may reflect corona attacks on the central nervous system. ‘

He said that researchers have long believed that the coronavirus can enter the central nervous system through the olfactory system. Prior studies have found the risk of blood clotting in corona sufferers as well as heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems.

More than 41 thousand died in america

Corona infection continues to increase worldwide. So far more than one lakh 41 thousand victims have died in America. While in Brazil, Corona does not seem to be wreaking havoc. The number of infected people in this Latin American country has crossed 2 million. Of these, more than 76 thousand patients have died.


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