(Pooja Dubey, Intern Journalist) Total cases of coronavirus infection crossed 18 lakhs while the number of people recovering has also gone above 11.86 lakhs.
Cases of infection in the country crossed the 17 lakh. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the investigation of Covid-19 in India has also crossed the 2 crore mark.
The total cases of coronavirus increased to 18,03,695 while 751 more people died due to illness and the number of deaths due to Covid-19 has increased to 38,135.
At the same time, the number of people recovering from infection has also increased to 11,86,203 whereas 5,79,357 people in the country are still in the grip of infection and are undergoing treatment. The recovery rate of Covid-19 has been reduced to 65.44 percent while the death rate has come down to 2.13 percent.
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