(Riya Saha, Intern Journalist)India on Thursday recorded the biggest ever spike in cases with 32,695 new cases of the coronavirus disease in the last 24 hours which took the country’s tally to 9,68,876.
The number of active cases in the country stands at 3,31,146, while 6,12,814 have been cured or discharged, according to the health ministry. The death toll reached 24,915 after 606 fresh fatalities were recorded in the last 24 hours.
The government, meanwhile, announced on Wednesday that a record of 20,572 patients recuperated from Covid-19 disease in the last 24 hours (between Tuesday and Wednesday), and the country’s recovery rate rose to 63.24 percent.
This is the highest rate of recovery so far, according to the health ministry.
India’s Covid-19 tally has been fast heading towards a million mark with a spike in the number of cases every day.
Maharashtra continues to be the worst-affected state and has reported a total of 2,75,640 Covid-19 cases and close to 11,000 fatalities.
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