Covid 19 Vaccine: BioNTech vaccine price to be lower than market price

(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): German pharmaceutical company BioNTech, which is at the forefront of developing the Corona vaccine in association with the US pharmaceutical company Pfizer, has said that the price of two doses of its vaccine will be less than the market price. The company has also said that there will be a price difference between different regions and countries.

“We are moving forward with a balanced approach that ensures greater access to new products, including capital and investment needs for innovation,” said Ryan Richardson, the German company’s strategy head at the Financial Times online event. is. Therefore, we are planning to keep the price of our vaccine below the market price. He said, “I hope there will be a difference in values in some areas of the world.”

However, Richardson did not provide any information about the prices. But in July an agreement was reached between Pfizer and the US government, in which the pharmaceutical company agreed to supply 100 million doses at the rate of $ 39 per two doses ($ 19.5 per dose). The price of one dose in Indian currency will be around Rs 1,450.


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