Does eating Guava reduce cold? Can we eat it in the winter

(Satya Havilah, Intern Journalist) Hyderabad: Winter has come… The cold and cough season has also started. And, what precautions should be taken at this time? Ayurvedic experts say that you can get relief from the cold by eating Guava nuts or Guava fruits in winter. How much of this is the fact? If you eat Guava fruit when you have a cold… will the situation get worse? What do the experts say about this? Let us now look at the details.

Many people say that people suffering from colds do not eat Guava, but that is not true. Because…Researchers say that guava has anti-cold properties. People suffering from severe cold should take a large gourd and remove the seeds and eat them. After that, drinking a glass of water acts as a medicine and reduces the mucus in the throat and lungs. The result can be relief from the common cold.

Dayumanavan Balaswamy, a former professor of biochemistry at the TamilNadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, clarified the benefits of Guava. “Jama contains calcium, potassium, iron, folic acid, vitamin-A, vitamin-C, fiber, and vitamin-B. Fresh guava nuts, in particular, contain 6 times more vitamin-C than oranges. 20 times more than bananas. These are very good for the body. It is good to eat Guava in the winter. The iron and vitamin-C in Guava protect against colds and viral infections, he said.

More health benefits of guava work as a good solution:

People suffering from headaches and migraine problems can apply the paste on the forehead three to four times a day to reduce the pain. For people suffering from heart problems, it is better to add sugar to the sliced Guava pieces, boil them finely and take them twice a day. This improves heart function. However, patients with diabetes should not do this.


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