DU to provide degrees online

(Bhagya Luxmi, Intern Journalist) The Delhi High Court has ordered the University of Delhi to issue digital degrees through email. The Delhi High Court has instructed DU to send all degrees via email to students by August 13. Along with this, the Delhi High Court has directed all the medical colleges located in Delhi to send digital degrees to the doctors who have graduated from them shortly.

The High Court has said that doctors who have graduated from any medical college in Delhi in the years 2017 and 2018, should be issued a digital degree soon on their email by 13 August.

Actually, due to the Coronavirus, all educational institutions across the country are closed. Here before this, the High Court had asked to consider granting online degrees. Justice Pratiba M Singh of Delhi High Court told Delhi University that when the court can provide its order online then why can’t DU students can be provided their degrees with the digital signature? The court has ordered them to provide degrees of graduate students on the emails of students till August 13.


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