(Kajal Singh intern journalist): A father teacher by profession has accused by his own daughter for raping her twice. The mother also supports the father in this work. This embarrassing incident Morena district of Madhya Pradesh.
In Porsa in Morena district, a teacher raped his own daughter twice. The daughter’s hands and feet were tied before being raped. Cutting marks are also visible on the body. Accusing the father of continuing misdeeds, a teenager had complained through an elder sister to the child helpline.
Both parents are involved in this shameful act. The police questioned the accused husband and wife in custody. When the primary facts of the incident came to light, the police registered a case and arrested the accused. Medical tests of both were also done on Wednesday.
The daughter was imprisoned at home
Nobody gets to know outside the house, so the daughter was imprisoned in the house itself. Troubled by the father’s misdeeds, like the gullible, the teenager told his married elder sister about this. A complaint was made on the child helpline. The members came from there and informed the police after releasing the girl from captivity. The police made serious interrogation of both the husband and wife in custody.
Mother was also involved in rape
The biggest misfortune was to see that the mother was involved in the rape of her daughter with her husband. There have also been complaints about the victim’s father’s two elder sisters being molested for a long time. Police have medically tested both the accused and the victim.
Collector assured strict action
In this regard, Morena Collector Priyanka Das said that the incident of the teacher raping her own daughter is shameful, said that the administration would not take any relaxation in taking legal action against the accused. According to the rule, the teacher will be suspended soon because he has done an act against the dignity of the teacher’s post.
Father used to tie girls hands and sexually assault and rape her
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