Feminism Today!

(Rishitha Jaladi, Intern Journalist)Vijayawada: Feminism in today’s world is not the same as it was! Feminism, which is fighting for women’s rights, has become more synonymous with man-hating. Often there is this misconception that feminism is exclusive to women. But the point is, feminism is not just about women but men too. 

Misandry is the hatred of men. Feminism is equality. Feminism is only called “FEM”inism because it was about women at the time it was “invented”.

Feminism, by definition, is the belief that men and women should get equal opportunities, and work together to make this world a better place to live in. They are not competitors. They are a team. 

I agree when people say women are discriminated against, harassed, assaulted…etc. We are all busy talking about the negative part. But the point here is, how many of us have ever thought about the positive side? 

I see people raising their voice for women saying ” Women are unable to do what they want to do, Men restrict them from achieving the best”. But why can’t we just erase the layer of negative smoke and see those men, who support women?

Men are with women. They support them, guide them, and stand by them. Not all men are Bad, Not all men are rapists, Not all men are against women empowerment. Not all men! 

We are born in a country where a mother is treated like a goddess. We have an incredible history where we find Many great women, starting from Jhansi rani Lakshmi Bhai, Rani Rudrama Devi, Sarojini Naidu to Kalpana Chawla, Kiran Bedi, and Sudha Murthy. Astonishingly all of them contributed to society with the support of men! For Instance, It was Jhansi Lakshmi Bhai’s father Moropant Tambe, who supported and motivated her. 

And, Now The million Dollar Rupee question is, How many of you believe that you are a feminist at heart? Men today admit that they are feminists! This is the change we want for a better society. It is the belief in equality that men are giving to Women, a chance to stand neck to neck with them.  

To repair feminism, I would recommend to forget about controlling information and instead focus on fixing feminism internally. If the contempt of men was genuinely removed from it then there would be no need to convince people that this aspect of it was a fallacy.

“Men don’t have the benefits of equality either. Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong.” 

Yes, I agree, many Indian daughters are the victims of Sexual Harassment. Recently In the Rape case of Hatras victim, I could see many men, who came out to voice for Justice. This is the change, This is the spirit. Not all men! 

In my opinion, Women need not feel inferior, men are not dominant anymore. Men and Women are complementary. Finally, As said, “Behind every successful man, there is a woman”, similarly, “Behind every successful woman, there is a man”.


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