Rishika Iyer (Intern Journalist): Brian Lee Hitchens, a taxi driver from Florida along with his wife Erin firmly believed that the virus was a hoax, or was fabricated by the government to distract from the real issues. The couple had read various conspiracy theories online regarding the virus, linked it to the 5G technology or thought that it was a mild ailment.
His wife Erin was a pastor from Florida who had various pre-existing conditions such as asthma and sleeping disorder. The couple did not follow the health guidelines and continued to keep working. Brian continued to work as a taxi driver without wearing a mask or following social distancing rules.
He continued to get his wife’s regular medicines and visited the hospital for the same from time to time. His wife first fell ill in the month of May and they refused to seek medical help initially. Eventually, both the husband and wife were found to be covid positive.
Brain said “I wish I listened from the beginning and hope my wife will forgive me. I can’t change the past. I can only live in today and make better choices for the future. Even though I miss my wife, she’s no longer suffering. I know she’s in a better place now”.
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