Government organized task force for vaccine distribution

Saloni Subha ( Intern Journalist ) India has set up an expert committee. It comprises of representatives from all important ministries and institution to oversee all aspects it’s Covid-19 vaccine plan, from the identification of the vaccine to purchasing to financing the purchase to distribution and administration

According to the people familiar with the matter said that the panel will be led by Niti Aayog’s Dr. VK Paul and co-chaired by health secretary Rajesh Bhushan. It will pick the vaccine or vaccines that India can use, plan the finances for what is sure to be an expensive purchase running into billions of dollars, and priorities the sequence of administration.

The only way to slow the spread of Covid-19 in the absence of or a cure or vaccine is wearing masks, social distancing, and restricting regular activities things that have taken a toll on life and work. Coronavirus has infected 19,385,292 people around the world and killed 720,053 until now.

The panel, formed by the cabinet secretary on Friday includes AIIMS director Dr. Randeep Guleria, representative of the ministry of external affairs, biotechnology, information technology, the Director-General of Health Services, India’s Aids Research Institute, the Indian Council of Medical Research, and a representative from states.


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