Has community transmission started in India?

(Riya Saha, Intern Journalist)The Indian Medical Association(IMA) stated that community transmission has started and the situation is pretty bad, in view of India surpassing one million coronavirus cases.
Dr. V K Monga, the Chairman of IMA Hospital Board of India said, “This is now an exponential growth. Every day the number of cases is increasing by more than around 30,000. This is really a bad situation for the country. There are so many factors connected with it but overall this is now spreading to rural areas. This is a bad sign. It now shows a community spread.”

Dr. Monga further explained, “Cases are penetrating down into towns and villages where it will be very difficult to control the situation. In Delhi, we were able to contain it, but what about interior parts of the country in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Goa, Madhya Pradesh (which may be the new hotspots)?”

“All these issues are very important and the state governments should take full care and seek the help of the Central government to control the situation,” Monga added.
“This is a viral disease that spreads very fast. To contain the disease there are only two options. Firstly, 70 percent of the population contracts the disease and gets immune, and the other is getting an immunization,” stated Monga.
“There have to be phases of trials then human trial, then efficacy and side effects. Also, importantly it has to be seen how long this immunity will last because most of the patients are unable to go beyond three months of immunity,” said Dr. Monga.

A few days back, Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan on Thursday said that the medical experts have stated that there was no community transmission of coronavirus in India.


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