Noida: Chetna and HCL Foundation State Level Webinar held on World Child Labor day for the safety of street children in Corona epidemic
Every year on 12 June, World Child Labor Prohibition Day is celebrated all over the world, whose main purpose is to ban child labor.
On the occasion of this child labor day, a state-level consultation (webinar) was organized under the UDAY project looking at the possibilities of increasing child labor in the status of COVID19 under the joint aegis of social organization Chetna and HCL Foundation.
In which mainly Mr. Vishesh Gupta Chairman, Child Rights Protection Commission U.P., Mr. Puneet Mishra (Deputy Director) Women, and Child Development U.P., Mr. Syed Rizwan Ali (State Nodal Officer) Labor Commissioner Office, Kanpur U.P., Mrs. Nidhi Pundir (Director) HCL Foundation, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Helen R. Shekhar, VV Giri National Labor Institute, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, Mr. Abhishek Pathak, Childline India Foundation, UP. Mr. Sanjay Gupta (Director) along with Chetna – HCL Foundation participated in a Zoom webinar meeting with more than 190 participants from the Department of Child Welfare and other government and non-government organizations.
Including the epidemic spreading from Corona, starvation and unemployment due to lockdown, sponsorship of children of migrant laborers, poor families and children living on the street with the possibility of child labor, on a variety of issues such as exploitation and trafficking of children. Topics ranging from rights to the protection and protection of children were discussed seriously.
Nidhi Pundir, Director HCL Foundation, told about the ongoing work of Noida’s UDAY project, along with it she also spoke of “Zero Tolerance on Child Labor”. Then Mr. Vishesh Gupta, Chairperson of Child Protection Commission U.P, while worrying about the children of migrant laborers and children living on the road, he said that about 32 lakh migrant families back in Uttar Pradesh due to the corona epidemic Have come for the benefit of the children, we are engaged in the entire arrangement to link them with other schemes with the sponsorship scheme of the government, for which mapping work is being done.
While arguing for child labor, he also said that the child is not a child laborer but the parents of the children see him as a producer, due to which the children consider him a means of earning money by indulging in the work. On the basis of all this, Shri Rizwan Ali ji also agreed and told about the “Bal Shramik Vidya Yojana” for the children of the migrant laborers. According to which there is a provision to give Rs. 1200 to girls and Rs.1000 to boys for education to migrant laborers children and working children. Mr. Puneet Mishra, Deputy director WCD said that the government is training all the child welfare and protection officers to tackle this problem. Along with this, a list is being prepared on the basis of every village so that the families will be linked with employment under MNREGA and about 3000 children will be linked with the sponsorship scheme.
Considering the situation in Corona, Abhishek Pathak from Childline India Foundation said that due to the lockdown situation in the Corona epidemic, there is going to be a problem of financial crisis on the migrant families, due to which human trafficking will also increase and Children are very likely to go to child labor. Therefore, we have to do many obstacles along with prevention.
Member of Child Protection Commission Smt. Jaya Singh also talked about strengthening the panchayat level so that children will be fully informed about the exit of child labor by migrant registers. Along with this, he spoke to make the families of the children aware, so that we can stop before going to the child labor.
In the discussion through the webinar, the Chairman of the Children’s Commission Mr. Vishesh Ji said that the childline worker should also be considered as Corona Warrior and if the Childline or Chetna Sansthan gives a request letter for insurance for them, the Commission will place it for approval in front of the government.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Helen R. Shekhar from VV Giri Noida processed all the work done by Chetna in the event of Lokdown and such meeting and motivated the institutions of other states to do such work module and meeting.
At the end of the meeting (webinar) organized by CHETNA NGO, some glimpses made by the children on child labor in this corona epidemic were presented with thanks.
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