Hearing in Supreme Court on the application to remove farmers from the streets

(Aditya Shaw, Intern Journalist): Today is the 21st day of the farmers’ agitation against agricultural laws. The petition to remove the farmers from the borders of Delhi will be heard in the Supreme Court today. This application was made by law student Rishabh Sharma. He says that the public is getting upset due to the jamming of roads due to the farmer movement. There is also an increased risk of corona due to not having social distancing at the venues.

Support of Khap Panchayats of UP to the peasant movement
Several Khapas in Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh have supported the movement. These khapas will join the demonstration on the borders of Delhi on 17 December. Secretary of Akhil Khap Council Subhash Balyan gave this information. Here, farmer organizations have said that they will completely block the Chilla border between Delhi and Noida today.

Modi said – Government will remove every doubt of farmers
Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his visit to Gujarat on Tuesday that the opposition is plotting to mislead farmers. They are being scared that others will take over the farmers’ land. If a dairyman contracts to take milk, does he also take the animal? He assured that the government is ready to address every doubt. Modi also met Sikh organizations in Gujarat.

Bhaskar Inside: 3 plans to exhaust, gather support, and change the atmosphere
Till December 9, the central government was on the backfoot regarding the farmer movement, but now coming to the front foot, is taking an aggressive stance. Work is being done on 3 plans to end the movement.

Strategy: By the night of 8 December the government itself called the organizations for talks, but became aggressive after the proposal was rejected on 9. The message was given that we are ready, the farmers are not sending the proposal. This is an attempt by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to meet the people of the Sikh community in Gujarat to give a message to the people of the Sikh community who are agitating in Delhi because there are a large number of Sikhs in the movement.

Politics: This issue is being done versus farmers. There is a plan to make the farmers who are agitating, to make them tired by waiting and in front of them a large army of those who support the law. The duty of MPs / MLAs from across the country has been imposed to prepare a list of farmers who are ready to support. In the last 5 days, 16 organizations have also gathered support. AIKCC farmer leaders VM Singh and Bakiu Bhanu have been brought in their favor. The challenge in front of the united front is how to keep everyone united.

Atmosphere: In the beginning of the movement, farmers and organizations from every state were reaching out to support. In the last week, the government has insisted on changing the environment. The field has fielded from Union Ministers to MPs, MLAs. Ministers are constantly coming forward to the media and then MPs and MLAs are going to the field and explaining to the farmers. At the same time, a big campaign has been started on social media, in which the duty of all those spokespersons and leaders who are active on social media. For the benefit of agricultural laws and changing the environment, videos have been posted on social media.


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