Home delivery of alcohol starts in this state of the country, can buy up to 5 liters online.

(Juhi Aishwarya Intern Journalist)
Raipur: There is a line of several kilometers long outside the liquor shops in Delhi. At the same time, some people in Karnataka were seen having breakfast outside the liquor shops. On the other hand, in many states, alcoholic poachers also have to eat police poles, but despite this, their spirits are not diminishing. However, there is also a state in the country where home delivery of liquor has started. A person can order up to 5 liters of liquor.

For home delivery of liquor up to five liters, only 120 rupees will have to be paid from MRP. These home delivery charges are not high for alcohol enthusiasts. A liquor buff from Delhi said that during the lockdown, he is getting Rs 100 worth of liquor for Rs 300. But here we make it clear that the Kejriwal government of Delhi has not given the home delivery gift to the alcoholics.

Chhattisgarh government has announced the home delivery of liquor. It is being told that the state government has started home delivery of liquor to facilitate liquor enthusiasts and to reduce congestion in liquor shops. Alcohol enthusiasts can now purchase alcohol through the mobile app and website. The state government has started the system of home delivery of liquor in the green zone area. A customer can order up to 5000 ml online at a time.

High officials of the state said the liquor shops in the state are operated by the Chhattisgarh State Marketing Corporation. To control congestion in liquor shops and observe the physical distance, the system of supply of liquor through delivery buoys has been introduced. This system has currently started in the Green Zone.

It is important to note that during lockdown-3, liquor shops can be opened in the green zone of the states as per the instructions of the Center. In such a situation, when liquor shops were opened in Chhattisgarh on 4 May, there was a huge crowd. During this, people also stripped of physical distance. There is a high risk of coronavirus infection increasing in this crowd. Therefore, the Government of Chhattisgarh has decided to make home delivery of liquor. It has been heard that some other state governments are also considering home delivery of liquor.