How to make Eggless Vanilla Cake at home

Aatmja Kumari(Intern Journalist):
Whenever cake recipe is talked about, most people skip the cake recipe due to the stuff, but today we have brought you vanilla cake recipe, which does not require much stuff and these items are easily available. it happens. Come, let’s know the recipe-

Maida-2 cups
Sugar powder-1 cup
Vanilla essence -1 teaspoon
Butter -1 cup
Soda -150 ml
Baking Powder -1 teaspoon
Condensed Milk-200 Gm

Method First, sieve the flour and baking powder together. Now mix the powdered sugar and butter thoroughly in a pot until it becomes white and fluffy. Add vanilla essence to it and mix well. After this add condensed milk and mix well. Now slowly add the flour mixture.

Make sure that there are no lumps in it. Slowly add soda to it and mix until the poring consistency of the cake mix is ​​reached. Now bake the cake in a pre-heated oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. If you want, you can also microwave it on high temperature for 4 to 5 minutes. Beat together the thick cream and icing sugar and decorate the cake with the fruit and cherries of your choice in addition to the cream.

Eggless Vanilla Cake
Eggless Vanilla Cake


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