Hypocalcemia: Calcium deficiency

(Anjali Shreya, Intern Journalist): To keep the body strong, strong bones are needed from calcium. Bones consist of calcium, protein, and mineral elements. Calcium deficiency is also known as Hypocalcemia, which refers to a condition when the calcium level in the blood decreases. But this deficiency does not occur in the body in a day, but due to negligence in continuous eating, due to lack of sufficient amount of calcium in the body, it comes as diseases.

Although people believe that using only milk or yogurt, the body gets calcium, but this is not true. It provides calcium, but not as many, as the body needs for proper nutrition. Calcium deficiency can also cause many diseases. Therefore, you should consume more calcium-rich things in your diet.

Calcium deficiency symptoms:
Due to a lack of calcium, many types of symptoms are seen in the body. Such as pain in bones, stiffness, fatigue, muscle strain, etc. are seen. Leaning of the waist, unbearable pain in the calves from the acorn, hair loss, tooth infection, tearing of the nails, etc. are all due to lack of calcium in the body. If you do not pay attention at the right time, then your body can also suffer heavy losses.

These 5 foods are rich in calcium:

  1. Milk intake
  2. Consumption of curd
  3. Orange juice
  4. Banana
  5. Green vegetables


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