Illegal sand mining caught by soldiers

(Namita Pradhan, Intern Journalist) Uttar Pradesh; A Mining Mafia rode a tractor on the Cheetah mobile soldier in Achnera, Uttar Pradesh on 14th July. The soldier is injured badly. He is now getting treatment at a private hospital in the city. The mafia left the place leaving the tractors laden with sand. Police have held all the tractors.

river sand mining india
Sand mining

The incident occurs at 6 pm. Dozen of illegal Chambal sand were transported through the tractor to  Adhapura village. The villager shares the information at the Kirawali post. Soon getting the information Cheetah mobile constables Raghavendra and Dharmendra left the spot.

After seeing the soldiers the tractor driver started running away, the soldiers followed them. Then the driver hit the soldier’s bike. Tractor mounted the soldier Raghvendra for which he got serious injuries on head and soldiers. After the soldier got injured the driver escaped with their tractors but five tractors remained there.

After getting information police force reached the spot. It was found out that the mafia was bringing illegal sand mining from the border of Rajasthan.

The police officer was camping in the area. The tractors were seized. The soldier is under treatment.


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