Javadekar said – India aims to restore 26 million hectares of deforested land by 2030

Aatmja Kumari(Intern Journalist):Foredt and Climate change Minister Prakash Javadekar said on Thursday that since ancient times, India has a culture of preserving and preserving not only nature, but living in harmony with it. Speaking at the United Nations Biodiversity Summit, he said, ‘The emergence of Covid-19 has emphasized the fact that uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources is linked to the consumption and consumption pattern of foods that support human life The destroyer system is destroyed. He further said that if you protect nature, then nature will like you.

Javadekar said that India has increased forest and tree cover by 24.56 percent in the last decade. . The Union Minister said that India has the largest number of wild tigers and this number is more than double the 2022 deadline. On 15 August this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced two projects, Project Lion and Project Dolphin, to preserve the nation’s biodiversity.

He further stated that India aims to restore 26 million hectares of degraded and deforested land and achieve land-degradation neutrality by 2030. This is a goal that reflects our ambition. Javadekar said that India, through a national network of 250,000 biodiversity management committees across the country, has operated a system for access and profit-sharing provisions of the Convention on Biodiversity, with local people and biodiversity registers of 170,000 people Contains biodiversity documentation. Javadekar said that India is facing the ‘impact of climate’ through conservation, sustainable lifestyles and green development model.


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