Kamala Harris stated the debate is not her debate it’s the voter debate

(Namita Pradhan, Intern Journalist) USA; Susan Page believes in debating is designed to help voters. According to her these aren’t for the news media or to gain candidates.

USA Washington Bureau Chief held a debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris at the Salt Lake City.

On the debate she sought to lead a different way to the converstation.

The task needs a more aggressive moderation than she’d planned in allowing equal time to both candidates and she cut off the plan segments to immigration.

The debate is a needful to voters.

She responded to the Editor-in-Chief Nicole Caroll “I didn’t get answers to all the questions I had hoped to get, I think sometimes got prepared speeches instead of spontaneous responses- that shouldn’t be a surprise.”

Pence had interrupted Harris 10 times, in comparison to 5 interrupts from Harris.

Pence have also spoken over Page as she has tried telling him the time was up.

She added, “We set the rules so that the candidates can have a chance to speak. It’s not my debate. It’s their debate. It’s the voter’s debate.”

Coronavirus has always been the first topic for her, she said.

Kamala Harris and Mike Pence clash in a civilised manner.

 I hope that voters who watched it thought it helped them decide who has the policies they support Kamala said. ‘Who has the leadership characteristics that they want to see. I hoped it help voters. That’s what I hope. So you tell me if it was successful.”


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