(Rishitha Jaladi, Intern Journalist) Uttar Pradesh: The Up Police recovered two guns from the Kanpur shoot out on Tuesday. According to the police officers, an AK-47 and INSAS rifle, that were illegally snatched from the police during the shootout was recovered. The looted weapons were found after the arrest of Shashi Kanth Pandey, said AGD Law and Order Prasanth Kumar.

The Ak-47 was retrieved from Vikas Dubey’s house while the INSAS from Shashikant’s dwelling, added Prasanth. The Police also found Cartridges at the accused habitation. The exact place from which these weapons were salvaged, was not disclosed by the UP police. The UP government has already wrecked Dubey’s house partially, and this Shashikantha dwells beside the house of a slain Dubey. Sashikant was caught in Chaubeypur at around 2:30 a.m. after a tip-off by an informant, said Mr. Kumar.
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