(Bhagya Luxmi, Intern Journalist) All of a sudden a news from Jammu-Kashmir has been flashing on the screen which leads the officials and the people in mystery. The Lieutenant Governor of Jammu-Kashmir JC Murmu has resigned from his post today. He was assigned the post one year back when Article 370 was abrogated from the then State Jammu and Kashmir. President Ramnath Kovind has approved his resignation.
It is being said that he is seeking for new responsibility, duty from the center may be assigned to him. He can also be given the big post in CAG.
Officially no reason has been given for his step, a great murmuring is taking place on the social media platform.
Meanwhile, the name for the next LG in Jammu-Kashmir has been decided. Manoj Sinha will be the next LG, yet no date is fixed for his oath-taking ceremony. Let me tell you that Manoj Sinha was the former Railway Minister in the Modi Government.
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