Life of a Woman

(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist): From earlier times, women are given the status of Goddess. But why don’t we make them feel so? We call them inferiors, simply because they have been a sign of households and a caretaker from older times. But most probably you know, it’s the woman only who bears the pain for you, who sacrifices for you that’s why you exist right now. But what she gets in return – harassment, violence, abuse, rape, torture, and domination. If I talk about the pain women bear all over her life, it would take thousands of pages.

When society gets to know that a girl will be born they snatch her life in the womb. When a girl wants to go to school, she faces the barriers of restrictions. When a girl wants to do a job, she gets to marry an unknown. When she makes any mistake in her in-laws she faces harassment and torture. And when a girl becomes pregnant, she is forced to have a boy.
Even facing all these circumstances, you never have seen your mother, your daughter, your wife, your sister ever complaining about anything. They do not ask for anything from you in return. They spend the whole life serving others. And this service is paid less. If you ever try to pay the service a woman is giving you cannot pay it off in this life.
And Yes, This is the life of a woman.


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