(Milcah Anila, intern Journalist) Hyderabad Floods: What is this monsoon? What is the damage at this level? This much flood in Hyderabad city? Here are the reasons why experts say the weather has changed at this level.
What is this? What is this level of harassment? What is this aqueous solution? Is there such a huge flood of houses in the middle of Hyderabad? Are these houses or ponds? Have we ever seen cars and lorries being washed away by rainwater? These are the questions that have been bothering everyone for the last few days.
In the history of Hyderabad, it has been raining for a few days like never before in the history of Telangana. Rainfall is recorded in a single day, in hours, equivalent to the total annual rainfall recorded during the last few years. And what causes this level of rainfall?
It would be a mistake to think that this situation exists only in Telangana… If it does not rain anywhere in the country this time.
Same pattern in Maharashtra .. Same pattern in Delhi. Karnataka, AP, Assam, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu, and Kashmir .. the same harassment in all states.
Over the past few years, we have often seen conditions where the sky is clear for rains during the rainy season. Why has this situation changed drastically this year? Meteorologists and experts focused on the latest situation. Internationally analyzing and studying weather conditions.
An argument has been heard that the lockdown imposed for corona binding is also a factor. A full-scale lockdown was implemented across the country from March 22 to the end of May to control the coronavirus. The partial lockdown continued for two months after that. At this time all the people were confined to their homes.
Vehicle traffic on the roads was reduced and air pollution was greatly reduced. The closure of industries also contributed to this. As a result, the air becomes clearer, the humidity increases. We have also seen an increase in the purity of the waters of the Ganges.
However, It is also explained to have caused delays in the departure of the southwest monsoon. In addition to these, sheer zones have been formed. All these are said to be causing heavy rains. To this end, ‘Today’ published an article.
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