Maharastra: Flying Squads set up to Check on COVID-19 Treatment Charges

(Dharshini.G,Intern journalist) Mumbai: The Maharashtra government has set up flying squads to examine if medical clinics and ambulances are taking over the top charges from COVID-19 patients, Health Minister Rajesh Tope said on Friday. The administration had more than once ordered the authorities to follow up on complaints about clinics and ambulances  charging excessive rates, he said.

“To check if the decisions are being executed, flying squads have been set up. Divisional commissioners, district collectors, and municipal commissioners have been informed that assessment reports ought to be submitted in three days,” Mr. Tope included.

The administration, by a request on May 21, had fixed charge limits for charges of private medical clinics. Another request, on June 30, fixed rates for private ambulances. Be that as it may, in spite of government orders, private medical clinics are as yet charging extravagant rates, a minister noted.

Flying squads will check if the administration choices planned for giving relief to COVID-19 patients are being executed by emergency clinics, he said. They will check, in addition to other things, if private medical clinics have shown the government orders at their main gates, Mr. Tope included.


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