Malmas 2020:- when it is, what is special this time, what to do in this and what not

(Harleen Kaur,Intern journalist)
Purushottam Month 2020:- Adhik Mass is going to begin from 17 september.No auspicious and new work is done in Adhik Mass. According to the almanac, Malmas comes once in every three years Malmas is also known as Aadhik Mass and Purushottam Mass. auspicious work like marriage, house entrance, mundane, etc. are prohibited in this Adhik Mass.

Puja recitation, fasting, worship charity, and sadhana are considered the best in this Purushottam. According to the mythological belief, God should be remembered in Adhik Mass. Donation made in this Adhikmass is multiplied. This month is also associated with the purification of the self and mind One should think in the direction of human welfare while contemplating self. Expressing gratitude to the world, you should also thank your ancestors. Doing this promotes positivity in life.

When is this Adhik mass:-
Adhik Mass commences from 18 September to 16 October, from 17 October Navaratri Festival begins.
Meaning of Adhik mass:-
Malmas is related to the movement of planets. According to the almanac, the basis of malmas or Adhik mass is based on the movement of the Sun and the Moon. The Sun year is 365 days and about 6 hours, while the Lunar year is considered to be 354 days. There is a difference of 11 days between these two years. This difference becomes equal to 1 month in 3 years. To overcome this difference a lunar month comes every 3 years. This is called Adhik Mass.

Worship of Lord Vishnu in Adhikmass:-
The worship of Lord Vishnu has been given a special significance during the Adhikmass period. Chaturmass is going on at this time. The month of Ashwin has started. In Chaturmass, Lord Vishnu rests during this time. it is believed that during this period all the wishes are fulfilled by worshipping Lord Vishnu.


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