(Manisha Mahar, Intern Journalist); Many tribals are found in every country. Every tribe has its own customs and traditions. These people have been saving these traditions for centuries and are not leaving them even today. In India too, there are many tribes that continue to believe in their culture and tradition even today. There are traditions of these tribes that surprise everyone. There is also a tribe in Meghalaya whose traditions will surprise you. The name of this tribe is the Khasi tribe. Khasi tribes live in Meghalaya, India. This tribe is one of the few tribes where women are predominant than males.
Khasi tribe has a tradition for centuries that property remains in the name of the mother. After her, it is then transferred to her daughters. This tribe is dominated by women. She can marry many men. Not only this, but men also have to live in their in-laws. However, in recent years many men here have demanded a change in this practice. They say that they do not want to let them down, but are demanding the right to equality. In this tribe, women also have dominance in taking all the decisions of the family. In this community, there is a lot of celebration on the birth of a daughter, while there is not much happiness on the birth of a son. Apart from this, only women work in the markets and shops here. Children’s surname is also named the same as their mother.

In the Khasi community, the youngest daughter gets the highest share of the inheritance. For this reason, she also has to take care of her parents, unmarried siblings, and property. The younger daughter is called Khataduh. Her house is open to every relative.
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