Micro max Big Announcement

(Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist) MUMBAI: Once again the iconic domestic smartphone brand Micromax is gearing up to regain its former glory. Micromax is set to re-enter the market with a new strategy in the face of growing opposition to Chinese products in the country. Earlier, Micromax CEO Rahul Sharma posted a video on Twitter. “If Chinese mobile companies enter the competitive market, it will be ok, but the uncertainty at the border is not right,” he said.

In this video, he describes his business career as the son of an ordinary teacher, in a middle-class family. Mentioned Micromax Journey which is one of the top 10 brands in the world. However, he said that despite some mistakes, he was not defeated and was satisfied with what he had achieved. But what happened at the border was not correct.

What to do… I thought a lot about who to do it for .. but where to start… Life allowed me to start there again. But this time Rahul announced that he would only do what he did for the country. That is why Prime Minister Narendra Modi has revealed that Micromax is coming back to India with a new smartphone brand called ‘In’ as part of Atmanibhar Bharat’s call.

The blue box was also shared in the video as an indication of the release of the new In-series smartphone in India.

Although he has not announced the details yet, Micromax is expected to launch products between Rs 7-15 lakh. Tech experts predict that Android smartphones will be unveiled at a budget price in early November. It plans to invest Rs 500 crore for this.


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