New claim of scientists on aliens

(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Washington: Scientists have identified more than 1000 such stars, from which aliens are keeping an eye on us. Scientists say that the study revealed 1004 stars, where life is likely to originate like the Earth. Aliens are keeping an eye on us with these stars. The lead author of the study, Lisa Kaltenegger, said that if there are some observers who are searching for us (from planets revolving around these stars) then they will be able to see signs of the biosphere in our Earth’s atmosphere.


She further said that we can see some of these stars in the sky even without binoculars or telescopes. All these stars are within a radius of 326 light-years from Earth. The nearest star is only 8.5 pc away – about 28 light-years from our Sun. We have not yet fully accepted the presence of aliens. It is extremely difficult for us to believe that there can be more living beings in the whole universe than us. Many of us have tried to explain through our own Christopher Nolan that there are aliens and then there are some people who believe that America has hidden aliens in Area 51. Akashganga alone has 100 billion to 300 billion stars. Australian astronomers have studied only 10 million stars, and this suggests that aliens exist.


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