Rishika Iyer (Intern Journalist):Neelakanta Bhanu Prasad, hailing from Hyderabad is a 20 year old math prodigy pursuing Mathematics (hons.) from St. Stephens College in Delhi earns the title of the ‘World’s Fastest Human Computer’. He holds over 50 Limca Book of Records for his exceptional work in the field of Mathematics.
In the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) which was recently held in London, Bhanu bagged gold in the Mental Calculation World Championship. This is the first gold to ever be awarded to an Indian. He has broken records of legends from the field of Math like Shakuntala Devi and Scott Flansburg. The MSO is a virtual competition with 30 participants from countries like France, UAE, Germany and 13 other countries. This competition first started in the year 1998.
“I won the gold medal with a clear margin of 65 points. The judges were so spellbound by my speed, that they asked me to perform more calculations to confirm my accuracy. I have done my bit to place India on the global level of mathematics.” said Bhanu Prakash.
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