North Korea Economy Down, Kim Jong Un Shares Power With Sister

Rishika Iyer (Intern Journalist): On Thursday, Kim Jong Un stated to the media a warning about the economic conditions of the country. To the ruling party leaders, he said that the country is “facing unexpected and inevitable challenges in various aspects.” Flooding, the coronavirus pandemic, pushed the North Korean down. North Korea is facing the harshest economic crisis they have ever faced in two decades. The last time North Korea faced an economic disaster of such kind was in the year 1997. The rains that hit the country this summer has completely eradicated the farmland causing a great deal of food scarcity in the country. 

This, according to Kim Jong Un has “seriously delayed” the various developmental plans he laid for the country. He had planned to reveal the new five years economic and development plan to the country’s congress party. Kim issued an official statement to the Korean Central News Agency announcing that the economic policy aimed to improve the living standards of their citizens. 

South Korean lawmakers, hours after his announcement put out an official statement given by the country’s spy in which they claim that power has been delegated amongst the siblings, Kim Jong Un and his sister Kim Yo Jong. She is responsible for public relations with Seoul and Washington. From the beginning of this year, she has been increasingly taking on diplomatic matters with foreign nations in her hand. Her reply to the US President Donald Trump’s letter can be considered as one of the instances where the power-sharing arrangement amongst the siblings. 

However, the National Intelligence Service (NIS) stated that Kim Jong Un will still possess absolute power of the state and has only delegated responsibilities in order to reduce stress. 


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