Online Food: Rs. 5 lakh fine

(Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist) Vijayawada: During Covid-19, many homes were making and selling cakes and food items. However, the authorities advise being careful in this regard.

 During Covid-19 many people were making and selling cakes and food items in their homes. However, the authorities advise being careful in this regard. Selling them without a license carries a fine of up to Rs 5 lakh and up to six months in jail. The State Food Safety Department issues licenses to sell food items as per the guidelines given by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. It has been in force since August 5, 2011. 

However, before the Covid-19 crisis, the law was followed by almost everyone. However, after that many people started violating these rules. Those who lost their jobs in the wake of Covid-19 and those who came from abroad started making cakes and other food items at home for a living.

However, it seems that most of the units are operating without a license or registration. The government is making it clear that such traders must take a license. Need to know the full details regarding the license when the supervisor arrives. Licensing is mandatory for units with sales above Rs 12 lakh. Those earning less than this amount require registration. 

Registration can be done on the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India site through Akshaya Kendras. Also, registration can be completed by uploading an ID and photo. Manufacturers are responsible for the quality of water and foodstuffs. Any complaints received will be checked by the food safety authorities in the area concerned. Also, a fine may be imposed.

Penalty for violation 

Working without a license or registration is punishable by a fine of up to Rs 5 lakh and imprisonment for up to six months, depending on the nature of the offense. The offense of selling adulterated food is punishable by imprisonment and fine. A fine of Rs 3 lakh will be levied for selling goods without a label. A fine of Rs 5 lakh will be levied for selling substandard goods.


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