P Chidambaram – “Don’t blame God for a man-made disaster”

(Dharshini.G, Intern journalist) New Delhi: In a sharp reaction to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s “Act of God” remark on the effect of Covid on the economy, Congress pioneer P Chidambaram said today: “Don’t blame God for a man-made disaster.”

The previous Finance Minister, in a meeting to NDTV a day after a 24 percent drop in the GDP flagged India’s most noticeably terrible monetary compression on record, likewise called the government’s relief package “a joke”.

“Don’t blame God. Actually you ought to thank god. God has favored the farmers of the nation. The pandemic is a natural disaster. Yet, you are compounding the pandemic, a catastrophic event, with a man-made disaster,” Mr. Chidambaram stated, asked what he would prompt Nirmala Sitharaman, starting with one Finance Minister then onto the next.

Nirmala Sitharaman was assaulted by critics after she accused the pandemic during a QandA for the states’ interest for pay due to GST misfortunes: “This year we are confronting a remarkable circumstance. We are confronting an Act of God where we may even observe a contraction.”


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