Pakistani parliamentary panel approves government bill to review Jadhav’s sentence

(Ritambhara, intern journalist) The Pakistani parliamentary panel has approved a government bill that reviews the sentence of death convict prisoner Kulbhushan Jadhav following the instructions of the International Court of Justice. The draft, titled the International Court of Justice (Review and Reconsideration) Ordinance, was discussed and approved by the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Law and Justice on Wednesday despite stiff opposition from the opposition.

Taking part in the debate, Federal Law and Justice Minister Farag Naseem said that the bill has been introduced in compliance with the directions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). He warned that Pakistan could face sanctions for not following the ICJ’s decision if the bill was not adopted by Parliament.

Fifty-year-old retired Indian Navy officer Jadhav was sentenced to death in April 2017 by a Pakistani military court on charges of espionage and terrorism. In 2017, India approached the ICJ against Pakistan for denying consular access to Jadhav and challenging the death penalty awarded to him by a military court.


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