Prevent Whats App Data Hacking

(Milcah Anila, Intern Journalist)New Delhi: Hackers are sweeping the cyber world. WhatsApp, the most used messaging app in the world, is also being taken over by hackers. WhatsApp developers say that there is end-to-end encryption, but that feature is limited to the name. WhatsApp is announcing that the messages and videos we send will not be seen by a third party, but hackers are doing their job easily.

Making small changes to WhatsApp settings at such a moment can keep your entire chat safe. Chatting data in WhatsApp is backed up to Google Drive every day by default. Experts say that even the information in Google Drive has end-to-end encryption, but most of the user data is leaked from here.

Therefore .. Care should be taken while backing up chat data. What to do for this … First open WhatsApp and click on Settings ‘Option’. Now another menu will open. Click on ‘Backup’ which appears in dark color. A total of five options will open. In it, select the ‘never’ or ‘only when I tap backup’ options. If you select one of these two options, the backup process will no longer take place automatically.

Chatting data is also not uploaded to Google Drive. If you ever want to back up your chatting data, you can prevent it from being hacked by mobile data rather than via WiFi.


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