Priceless ‘treasure’ fell in the house from the sky

(Deepshikha Gautam, Intern Journalist) Indonesia: It is said that when God gives to someone, he makes a splash. Something similar happened with 33-year-old Josua Hutagalung, the Indonesian coffin maker. A precious treasure fell from the sky at Josua’s house and upon seeing it, he became the owner of 10 crores rupees. In fact, a large meteorite fell from the sky at Josua’s house.
This is a rare meteorite about 4 and a half billion years old. At the time of the meteorite’s fall, Josua was working next to his home in Kolang in northern Sumatra. The weight of the stone falling from this sky is about 2.1 kg. The meteorite collapsed into a large hole in the roof of his house. Not only this, the meteorite fell into the ground 15 cm. This stone fell from the sky, overcome the economic crisis of Josua. In return for this meteorite, Josua has received 1.4 million pounds or about 10 million rupees. Josua dug a pit underground and took out the precious meteorite.

This meteorite is 4.5 billion years old and is counted among the rarest species.
It costs $ 857 per gram. Josua said that when he took it off the ground, it was very hot and partially broken. Josua said that the sound of the meteorite falling was so loud that many parts of his house were shaken. He said, ‘When I saw roof, it was broken. I have full doubt that this stone has definitely fallen from the sky which many people call a meteorite. This was because it is almost impossible to throw someone on my roof.’ Local people said that they heard the sound of a very loud explosion which also rocked their house. After a rare meteorite collapses, Josua’s home is full of visitors. Josua said, ‘Many people are coming to my house and watching him with enthusiasm.’ Josua has got as much money from this stone as he would get from salary after working for 30 years. Josua, the father of three children, said he would build the church for his community with this money. He said that I had always imagined having a daughter and now I feel that this stone is a good sign.


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