Saloni Subha ( Intern Journalist )Gurmeet Choudhary is very worried because of the recent spike in coronavirus cases in his home town. He says,”overwhelmed hospital poor infrastructure and the rise of the case are quite alarming. Often people have the common Mentality that they will not get infected with the coronavirus which leads to negligence resulting in a widerspread. In big cities, there are many hospitals and doctors to deal with the situation but in smaller towns, there are hospitals too but the population is huge. There are so many villages in Bihar and if the numbers keep rising like this, then it will lead to difficulty.
He feels the need to increase awareness in smaller towns and villages in Bihar. He says, “we need to emphasize that you can be infected if you meet people in groups or are in crowded places. Wearing a mask is a must and so is washing hands often. People in Bihar saw Mumbaikars and people in other cities take all precautions and now it’s their turn to do these diligently”.
The actor is also worried about his elder brother who is a general physician in their hometown Purina and has been treating a patient. My brother is running his clinic every day and has not seen his family or his newborn baby for three months.
My parent’s bhabhi and her family have been living in our house while he stays in his house away from them in quarantine. Everyone is scared that he might get infected, But my brother has been taking care of himself and his patients. He says” if all doctors will sit at home then Kaise chalega”? In fact, one of our close relatives has tested positive Now the virus has come home, so the situation is quite dangerous right now.
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